
Planting day at Hidden Harvest / CV High School farm!!

Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage. Carrots will be planted in the next week....and then we cover the baby plants with row cover to protect them from the voracious bagrada bugs and for weed control. ...and then we cover the baby plants with row cover to protect them from the voracious bagrada bugs and for weed control.



Thank you Grimmway Farms!

April 2. A rare and wonderful thing - gleaning 2,000 pounds of organic carrots today! Carrots are like gold to us. There is virtually no waste in the carrot growing business, so carrot donations are particularly welcome. 



Bill Clinton at Hidden Harvest!

Yes, that is former President Bill Clinton standing in our Hidden Harvest warehouse!

Watch the NBC Nightly News on Wed., Jan 16 to see the segment filmed here last week while we were out picking lettuce and today with President Clinton and our fabulous volunteers.
